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Delivery events

These events state the status of the message sent using the send message API to the WhatsApp API client(which essentially sends out a message to the customer).
Mayur Morè
The WhatsApp Business API client will send notifications to inform you of the status of the messages between you and users. When you send a message successfully, you will receive a notification on your callback URL stating when the message was sent, delivered, and read. The order of these notifications in your app may not reflect the actual timing of the message status. View the timestamp to determine the timing, if necessary. The notifications you may receive are

Common payload for all events of type delivery-event

"id": "6614dc6bac279b2044d94249",
"channelId": "61fa18c44dc2fa0641aa2e48",
"workspaceId": "61fa14594ed4030016aaafa0",
"event": "delivery-update",
"status": "SENT" | "READ" | "DELIVERED" | "FAILED",
"createdOn": "2024-04-09T06:12:59.793Z",
"customer": {
"name": "Felipe Leveke",
"id": "63bc981dfa7c6e002c0e6560"
"phone": {
"countryCode": "56",
"phone": "997741349"
"templateName": "(OPTIONAL) Name of Template if Messasge is a Template Message"

Payload for failed status

"id": "6614dc6bac279b2044d94249",
"channelId": "61fa18c44dc2fa0641aa2e48",
"workspaceId": "61fa14594ed4030016aaafa0",
"event": "delivery-update",
"status": "FAILED",
"createdOn": "2024-04-09T06:12:59.793Z",
"failedReason":"Reason for failure",
"customer": {
"name": "Felipe Leveke",
"id": "63bc981dfa7c6e002c0e6560"
"phone": {
"countryCode": "56",
"phone": "997741349"
"templateName": "(OPTIONAL) Name of Template if Messasge is a Template Message"

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