Help Center - BotSpace
Content & Templates

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How to create media links?

In our dashboard, we also have an option to create media links for any media files.
Follow the below mentioned steps to create one:
Step 1: From the Homepage, click on ‘Content & Templates’.
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Step 2: Click on ‘Media’.
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Step 3: Click on ‘Create Media Link’.
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Step 4: Click on ‘Select file’ to upload a media file and enter the Link name for the file.
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Step 5: Once done, click on ‘Add’.
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You have now successfully create a Media Link for a media file. Now, simply click on the copy icon next to the Media file to copy the link to the file.
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Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.