Help Center - BotSpace
Types of message payloads


Mayur Morè

Payload of template type

"templateId": "text_only_template",
"templateArgs": [],
"templateLanguage": "en_US",
"templateVariableCount": 0,
"mediaArg": null,
"templateDesc": {
"body": "This is a text template",
"buttons": [],
"header": {
"is": false,
"type": "image"

Payload of richTempate type - can also have header

"templateId": "image_template",
"templateArgs": [],
"templateLanguage": "en_US",
"templateVariableCount": 0,
"mediaArg": "",
"templateDesc": {
"body": "This is an image template.",
"buttons": [],
"header": {
"is": true,
"type": "image"
"templateId": "video_template",
"templateArgs": [],
"templateLanguage": "en_US",
"templateVariableCount": 0,
"mediaArg": "",
"templateDesc": {
"body": "This is a video template",
"buttons": [],
"header": {
"is": true,
"type": "video"
"templateId": "document_template",
"templateArgs": [],
"templateLanguage": "en_US",
"templateVariableCount": 0,
"mediaArg": "",
"templateDesc": {
"body": "This is a document template",
"buttons": [],
"header": {
"is": true,
"type": "document"

Payload of buttonTemplate type - can also have header

"templateId": "button_tempate",
"templateArgs": [],
"templateLanguage": "en_US",
"templateVariableCount": 0,
"mediaArg": null,
"templateDesc": {
"body": "This is a button template - Select any one option.",
"buttons": [
"type": "QUICK_REPLY",
"label": "Option 1"
"type": "QUICK_REPLY",
"label": "Option 2"
"header": {
"is": false,
"type": "image"
"templateId": "website_call_template",
"templateArgs": [],
"templateLanguage": "en_US",
"templateVariableCount": 0,
"mediaArg": null,
"templateDesc": {
"body": "This is a call and url template",
"buttons": [
"type": "PHONE_NUMBER",
"label": "Call us",
"phoneNumber": "+917888243936"
"url": "",
"exampleUrl": "",
"type": "URL",
"label": "Website",
"isDynamic": false
"header": {
"is": false,
"type": "image"

Payload of quickReply type - Replies when clicking template message button

"text": "Option 1",
"type": "button"
Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.