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How to edit HubSpot Contact Properties for BotSpace

Edit you HubSpot contact properties for your BotSpace Inbox
On your BotSpace Dashboard, Head to the Inbox and Search for the client you want to update the details for in the Search bar. ​
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When you have selected your contact and opened the chat, Head to the right side menu and Click on the HubSpot dropdown to select the Current integration you want to update the details for, (In this example we will update the Company Size for the client) Then click on Open in HubSpot. ​
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The HubSpot window will pop-up with the contact details of the client. Here, under the section you want to edit (Company Size) put in the new data and click on Save at the bottom left corner. Once the message “Changes saved” pops up on the top centre of your screen, Head back to the BotSpace Inbox, and refresh the page, You will see the updated details on the right side contact details. ​
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