Help Center - BotSpace
Types of message payloads


Mayur Morè

Payload for image media type

"url": "",
"urlExpiry": 1713329196945, // Present for Incoming only
"contentType": "image/jpeg", // Present for Incoming only
"mediaType": "image",
"label": "Some caption" // Optional

Payload for video media type

"url": "",
"urlExpiry": 1713329989262, // Present for Incoming only
"contentType": "video/mp4", // Present for Incoming only
"mediaType": "video"
"label": "Some caption" // Optional

Payload for document media type

"url": "",
"filename": "00-intro.pdf", // Present for document only
"urlExpiry": 1713330061888, // Present for Incoming Message only
"contentType": "application/pdf",// Present for Incoming Message only
"mediaType": "document",
"label": "Some caption" // Optional

Payload of audio media type

"url": "",
"urlExpiry": 1713330391788, // Present for Incoming Message only
"contentType": "audio/ogg; codecs=opus", // Present for Incoming Message only
"mediaType": "audio"
Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.